Welcome to Paradice Farm
We are a family owned nest run egg producer in Gisela, Arizona.
We sell delicious eggs for $5 per dozen. We also have fertilized hatching eggs, limited supply of live chicks, and handmade crochet items. Please contact us to place a custom order today!

Live Chicks
Crochet Chickens
Hatching Eggs
Our Flock:
We have a diverse flock of several different breeds:
Laying Hens:
White Leghorns, Blue Copper Marans, Cuckoo Marans, Rhode Island Reds, Golden Sexlinks, Turkens, Light Brahmas, Blue Leghorns, Crested Cream Legbars, Easter Eggers, Delawares, and Blue Copper Leghorns (our very own project breed)
Rhode Island Red, Blue Copper Maran, Silver Laced Cochin, and Golden Comet.

Explore our happy chickens from Gisela.