Hatching Eggs
We offer beautiful rainbow barnyard mix eggs for hatching in your incubator for $20 per dozen. Hatch your own adorable baby chicks that are any mix of our breeds. We currently have seven fertile roosters over our hens doing a great job to provide great hatching rates for us both under broody hens and in our incubator. We even created a beautiful mix of our own that we call Blue Copper Leghorns, which are a mix of blue copper maran roosters over white leghorn hens.

Our flock:
We have a diverse flock that includes the following breeds. You could hatch any mix of them.
Hens: White Leghorns, Blue Copper Marans, Cuckoo Marans, Rhode Island Reds, Golden Sexlinks, Turkens, Light Brahmas, Blue Leghorns, Crested Cream Legbars, Easter Eggers, Delawares, and Blue Copper Leghorns.
Roosters: Rhode Island Red, Blue Copper Maran, Silver Laced Cochin, and Golden Comet.
Coming Soon: Ameraucana, Crested Cream Legbar, Sapphire Gem, Welsummer, Rustic Rock, ISA Brown, Blue Laced Gold Wyandotte.
Our eggs:
When you purchase hatching eggs, you do so with some risks that not every egg will hatch. However, we do a few things to increase viability in our eggs that get ordered for incubation. First we go through the most recent laid eggs from current days for optimal shape and size. Then we candle each one for cracks. Our hatching eggs have been handled individually with extra care and successful hatch in mind. We do not offer shipping at this time.

What We Hatched
Below are some of the chicks we let our broody hens hatch.

Bubblegum-Blue Copper Leghorn
Cross between blue copper maran rooster over white leghorn hen

Elliot - Golden Comet
cross between rhode island red rooster over white leghorn hen

Fay - Blue Copper Leghorn
cross between blue copper maran rooster over white leghorn hen

Sabrina-Blue Copper Leghorn
Cross between blue copper maran rooster over white leghorn hen

Hurley - Blue Copper Maran

Strawberry - Rhode Island Red

Sawyer - Golden Sexlink

Durken - Rhode Island Turken
cross between rhode island red rooster over turken hen